Awards - Full Papers
(best paper)
Connectivity Oblivious Merging of Triangulations
L. F. Silva (UFRGS), L. F. Scheidegger (UFRGS), T. Etiene (University of Utah), J. Comba (UFRGS), L. G. Nonato (ICMC-USP), C. T. Silva (NYU).
(best student paper)
Open-set Source Camera Attribution
F. O. Costa (UNICAMP), M. Eckmann (Skidmore College), W. J. Scheirer (Securics Inc.), A. Rocha (UNICAMP).
It was posted as a mistake that the Best Student paper was
awarded to the paper:
An Efficient Algorithm for Fractal Analysis of Textures
A. F. Costa (ICMC-USP), G. E. Humpire-Mamani (ICMC-USP), A. J. M. Traina (ICMC-USP).
Sorry for any inconvenience.
(honorable mention - student paper)
Efficient HPR-based Rendering of Point Clouds
R. M. Silva (UFRJ), C. Esperança (UFRJ), A. Oliveira (UFRJ).
Technical Session TS1 - Image/Video Filtering, Restoration and Segmentation
(Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 / 09:00 - 10:45)
Chair: N. Mascarenhas (UFSCar)
Unraveling the Compromise Between Skull Stripping and Inhomogeneity Correction in 3T MR Images
F. A. M. Cappabianco (UNIFESP), P. A. V. Miranda (IME-USP), J. S. Ide (UNIFESP), C. L. Yasuda (FCM-UNICAMP), A. X. Falcão (IC-UNICAMP).
Analysis in Sensibility of a Motion Detection Algorithm for Selecting Noise Reduction Methods in X-ray Image Sequences
L. S. Silva (PUC-Minas), F. R. Rocha (PUC-Minas), L. B. Amaral (PUC-Minas), C. A. Carneiro (PUC-Minas), F. M. F. Ferreira (PUC-Minas), Z. M. A. Peixoto (PUC-Minas).
Contextual Filtering of CT Images Using Markovian Wiener Filters With a Non Local Means Approach for Statistical Estimation
D. H. P. Salvadeo (UFSCar), N. D. A. Mascarenhas (UFSCar), A. L. M. Levada (UFSCar).
Segmentation of Large Images with Complex Networks
O. Cuadros (ICMC-USP), G. Botelho (ICMC-USP), F. Rodrigues (ICMC-USP), J. Batista Neto (ICMC-USP)
Technical Session TS2 - Feature Extraction and Matching
(Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 / 09:00 - 10:45)
Chair: L. G. Nonato (ICMC-USP)
Colorization by Multidimensional Projection
W. Casaca (ICMC-USP), E. Gomez-Nieto (ICMC-USP), C. O.L. Ferreira (PUC-Rio), G. Tavares (PUC-Rio), P. Pagliosa (UFMS), F. Paulovich (ICMC-USP), L. G. Nonato (ICMC-USP), A. Paiva (ICMC-USP).
An Efficient Algorithm for Fractal Analysis of Textures
A. F. Costa (ICMC-USP), G. E. Humpire-Mamani (ICMC-USP), A. J. M. Traina (ICMC-USP).
Appearance and Geometry Fusion for Enhanced Dense 3D Alignment
E. R. Nascimento (UFMG), W. R. Schwartz (UFMG), G. L. Oliveira (UFMG), A. W. Vieira (UNIMONTES), M. F. M. Campos (UFMG), D. B. Mesquita (UFMG).
Histogram Uniformization for Digital Image Encryption
J. B. Lima (UFPE), R. M. C. Souza (UFPE).
Technical Session TS3 - Image/Video Analysis
(Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 / 14:00 - 15:45)
Chair: A. Rocha (UNICAMP)
Solving Image Puzzles with a Quadratic Programming Formulation
F. Andaló (UNICAMP), G. Taubin (Brown University), S. Goldenstein (UNICAMP).
Open-set Source Camera Attribution
F. O. Costa (UNICAMP), M. Eckmann (Skidmore College), W. J. Scheirer (Securics Inc.), A. Rocha (UNICAMP).
Multi-Scale Spectral Residual Analysis to Speed up Image Object Detection
G. Silva (UFBA), L. Schnitman (UFBA), L. Oliveira (UFBA).
Image micro-pattern analysis using fuzzy numbers
R. T. Vieira (EESC-USP), C. E. O. Chierici (EESC-USP), C. T. Ferraz EESC-USP, A. Gonzaga (EESC-USP).
Technical Session TS4 - Geometric Modeling and Computational Geometry
(Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 / 14:00 - 15:45)
Chair: L. H. Figueiredo (IMPA)
Approximating implicit curves on triangulations with affine arithmetic
A. Paiva (ICMC-USP), F. C. Nascimento (ICMC-USP), L. H. Figueiredo (IMPA), J. Stolfi (UNICAMP).
3D Triangulations for Industrial Applications
P. R. Cavalcanti (UFRJ), Y. P. Atencio (UFRJ), C. Esperança (UFRJ), F. P. Nascimento (UFRJ).
ESQ: Editable SQuad representation for triangle meshes
L. C. Aleardi (École Polytechnique), O. Devillers (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), J. Rossignac (GATECH).
Connectivity Oblivious Merging of Triangulations
L. F. Silva (UFRGS), L. F. Scheidegger (UFRGS), T. Etiene (University of Utah), J. Comba (UFRGS), L. G. Nonato (ICMC-USP), C. T. Silva (NYU).
Technical Session TS5 - Rendering and Visualization
(Friday, August 24th, 2012 / 09:00 - 10:45)
Chair: J. Comba (UFRGS)
Efficient HPR-based Rendering of Point Clouds
R. M. Silva (UFRJ), C. Esperança (UFRJ), A. Oliveira (UFRJ).
Memory-Efficient Order-Independent Transparency with Dynamic Fragment Buffer
M. Maule (UFRGS), J. Comba (UFRGS), R. Torchelsen (UFFS), R. Bastos (NVIDIA).
Ambient occlusion using cone tracing with scene voxelization
E. C. D. Favera (PUC-Rio), W. Celes (PUC-Rio).
Rapid Visualization of Geological Concepts
M. Natali (University of Bergen), I. Viola (University of Bergen), D. Patel (Christian Michelsen Research).
Technical Session TS6 - Computer Vision
(Friday, August 24th, 2012 / 09:00 - 10:45)
Chair: S. Goldenstein (UNICAMP)
Invariance for Single Curved Manifold
P. M. M. Castro (UFPE).
Robust Patch-Based Pedestrian Tracking using Monocular Calibrated Cameras
G. Führ (UFRGS), C. R. Jung (UFRGS).
Automatic tracking of indoor soccer players using videos from multiple cameras
E. Morais (UNICAMP), S. Goldenstein (UNICAMP), A. Ferreira (UNICAMP), A. Rocha (UNICAMP).
Real-time Interactive Image Segmentation Using User Indicated Real-world Seeds
R. B. Gomes (UFRN), R. V. Aroca (UFRN), B M. Carvalho (UFRN), L. M. G. Gonçalves (UFRN).
Technical Session TS7 - Modeling, Animation and Simulation
(Saturday, August 25th, 2012 / 09:00 - 10:45)
Chair: A. Oliveira (UFRJ)
Modeling the Copacabana Sidewalk Pavement
T. Waintraub (PUC-Rio), W. Celes (PUC-Rio).
Representing and Manipulating Mesh-based Character Animations
E. Aguiar (UFES), N. Ukita (Nara Institute of Science and Technology).
Fluid Simulation on Surfaces in the GPU
L. Carvalho (IMPA), M. Andrade (UFAL), L. Velho (IMPA).
Enhanced Target Driven Smoke Morphing
M. C. Renhe (UFJF), A. Oliveira (UFRJ), C. Esperança (UFRJ), R. Marroquim (UFRJ).
Technical Session TS8 - Image/Video Analysis
(Saturday, August 25th, 2012 / 09:00 - 10:45)
Chair: R. Lotufo (UNICAMP)
Video-Based Face Spoofing Detection through Visual Rhythm Analysis
A. Pinto (UNICAMP), H. Pedrini (UNICAMP), W. Schwartz (UFMG), A. Rocha (UNICAMP).
Retinal Image Quality Analysis for Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
R. Pires (UNICAMP), H. F. Jelinek (Charles Sturt University), J. Wainer (UNICAMP), A. Rocha (UNICAMP).
Vehicle Detection using Mixture of Deformable Parts Models: Static and Dynamic Camera
L. C. Leon (IME-USP), R. Hirata Jr. (IME-USP).
A mixture of two gender classification experts
Y. S. El-Din (Ain Shams University), M. Moustafa (The American University in Cairo), H. Mahdi (Ain Shams Univ.).
Technical Session TS9 - Pattern Recognition
(Saturday, August 25th, 2012 / 14:00 - 15:45)
Chair: D. Martínez (UFAL)
Automatic Classifier Fusion for Produce Recognition
F. A. Faria (UNICAMP), J. A. Santos (UNICAMP), A. Rocha (UNICAMP), R. da S. Torres (UNICAMP).
A Comparison between Optimum-Path Forest and k-Nearest Neighbors Classifiers
R. Souza (UNICAMP), R. Lotufo (UNICAMP), L. Rittner (UNICAMP).
Real-time gesture recognition from depth data through key poses learning and decision forests
L. Miranda (UFAL), T. Vieira (UFAL), D. Martínez (UFAL), T. Lewiner (PUC-Rio), A. W. Vieira (UNIMONTES), Mario F. M. Campos (UFMG)
Searching for People through Textual and Visual Attributes
J. Fabian (UNICAMP), R. Pires (UNICAMP), A. Rocha (UNICAMP).
Technical Session TS10 (Poster) - Texture Synthesis and Image Processing
(Saturday, August 25th, 2012 / 15:45 - 17:30)
Chair: C. Freitas (UFRGS) and D. Menotti (UFOP)
Animation and Simulation
Texture Synthesis of Contrasting Natural Patterns
F. Queiroz (UFAL), M. Walter (UFRGS).
Feature Extraction and Matching
BBA: A Binary Bat Algorithm for Feature Selection
R. Y. M. Nakamura (UNESP), L. A. M. Pereira (UNESP), K. A. Costa (UNESP), D. Rodrigues (UNESP), J. P. Papa (UNESP), X.-S. Yang (National Physical Laboratory).
A tensor based on optical flow for global description of motion in videos
V. F. Mota (UFJF), E. A. Perez (UFJF), M. B. Vieira (UFJF), L. M. Maciel (UFJF), F. Precioso (ENSEA), P.-H. Gosselin (ENSEA).
Multi-Modal Acoustic Echo Canceller for Video Conferencing Systems
M. Gazziro (ICMC-USP), G. Almeida (Wernher von Braun Center), P. Matias (IFSC-USP), H. Tanaka (TOSHIBA Co.), S. Minami (TOSHIBA Co.).
Image/Video Analysis
Error Concealment Using a Halftoning Watermarking Technique
P. G. Freitas (UnB), R. Rigoni (UnB), M. C. Q. Farias (UnB), A. P. F. Araújo (UnB).
Pattern Recognition
Structural Analysis of Histological Images to Aid Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer
G. H. B. Miranda (FFCLRP/USP), J. Barrera (IME-USP), E. G. Soares (FFCLRP-USP), J. C. Felipe (FCM-USP).
Improving Image Classification Through Descriptor Combination
A. Mansano (USP), J. A. Matsuoka (UNESP), L. C. S. Afonso (USP), J. P. Papa (UNESP), F. Faria, R. da S. Torres (UNICAMP).
Supervised Learning Using Local Analysis in an Optimal-Path Forest
W. P. Amorim (UFMS), M. H. Carvalho (UFMS).
Computing gender difference using Fisher-Rao metric from facial surface normals
S. R. Ceolin (Centro Universitário Franciscano), E. R. Hancock (University of York).
Call for Contributions for the Technical Papers Track
The technical papers track of SIBGRAPI 2012 welcomes submissions describing research, practice, experience and applications in all areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition, including but not limited to the following topics: Animation and simulation, Biomedical imaging and visualization, Biometrics, Computational geometry, Computer vision and robotics, Document processing and analysis, Feature extraction and matching, Games, Geometric and solid modeling, Graphical interfaces, Graphics hardware, Image and video analysis, filtering and restoration, Image and video registration, retrieval and segmentation, Information visualization, Visual learning, Mathematical morphology, Mobile graphics, Motion and tracking, Non-photorealistic rendering, Pattern recognition, Point-based modeling, Real-time imaging and rendering, Remote sensing and geophysical imaging, Scientific visualization, Shape representation and matching, Simplification and compression, Stereo/3D imaging, Surface reconstruction, Virtual and augmented reality and Visual data mining.
The paper length should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE format). All full papers are double blindly reviewed by at least three experts in the topic of the work, and all papers recommended by the reviewers will be accepted. All accepted papers are published in the proceedings of the conference (submitted to IEEE Xplore) and scheduled for oral or poster presentation. From 1997 to 2008, SIBGRAPI proceedings were published by IEEE Computer Science, by CPS since then, and since 1996, at the SIBGRAPI Digital Library Archive, maintained by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE).
As in previous SIBGRAPI editions, the authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to highly ranked international journals in the respective fields. In particular, extended versions of the best papers of previous SIBGRAPI were published in special issues of:
- Image and Vision Computing (2003)
- Pattern Analysis and Applications (2004)
- Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (2004)
- Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (2006)
- Pattern Recognition Letters (2007, 2008)
- Computers & Graphics (2007)
- Computer Graphics Forum (2007, 2009)
- International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (2010)
- The Visual Computer (2010)
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline:
May 4th, 2012 May 14th, 2012
- Notification of Acceptance:
June 17th, 2012 June 26th, 2012 June 30th, 2012
- Camera Ready:
July 6th, 2012 July 15th, 2012
Best Paper Selection
The best paper and best student paper will be awarded during the event based on the reviewers' judgment and the quality of the presentation. Moreover, as in previous SIBGRAPI editions, the authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to highly ranked international journals in the respective fields. In particular, in previous editions, the best computer graphics papers have been published in Computer Graphics Forum and The Visual Computer Journal. This year, the best papers on Computer Graphics related topics will be invited to submit an extended version to be considered for publication in Computer Graphics Forum. The best papers in Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition will be invited to submit an extended version to be reviewed for publication in a special issue of Pattern Recognition Letters.
Author's instruction
The papers must be written in English, formatted according to the IEEE standard. They should not exceed 8 pages, including bibliography and illustrations, and should not contain any information that could identify the author in the submission phase. Works on the same topic may be submitted to other tracks of the event, in particular when related to student work. Further instructions are available at the submission instructions' page.
Oral or Poster Presentation
Each accepted paper will be presented orally or in poster form during the event.
The oral presentations must fit in 20 minutes, with additional 5 minutes for questions. The authors will be invited to choose the type of presentation.
Posters Preparation
Posters should be prepared using an area of 90cm x 120 cm at maximum and in a portrait orientation.
The use of small fonts on the text production is not recommended.
It is not necessary to include the poster in the JEMS system.
The authors may follow the SIBGRAPI 2012 poster template in PowerPoint or Corel Draw formats).
Oral Presentation Slides Template
A template for oral presentations using SIBGRAPI 2012's arts is available here.
- Carla Dal Sasso Freitas (UFRGS - Brazil)
- Sudeep Sarkar (USF - USA)
- Luciano Silva (UFPR - Brazil)
- Roberto Scopigno (CNR - Italy)
Adilson Gonzaga
Adriana Braun
Adriane Parraga
Afonso Paiva
Alec Jacobson
Alejandro Frery
Alessandro Koerich
Alex Cuadros-Vargas
Alexandre Falcao
Alexandre Levada
Alexei Machado
Aline Villavicencio
Alvaro Pardo
Anderson Maciel
Anderson Rocha
André Brandão
André Maximo
Antonio Apolinário Jr.
Antonio Alberto Fernandes de Oliveira
Aparecido Nilceu Marana
Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo
Aveek Brahmachari
Bruno Carvalho
Carla Freitas
Carlos da Silva Santos
Carlos Dietrich
Celia Barcelos
Cem Unsalan
Christian Pagot
Christopher Healey
Claudio Esperança
Claudio Jung
Claudio Silva
Daniel Madeira
Daniele Panozzo
David Menotti
Dianna Xu
Dibio Leandro Borges
Diego Nehab
Dmitry Goldgof
Edson Matsubara
Eduardo Simões Lopes Gastal
Emilio Vital Brazil
Ernesto Birgin
Eros Comunello
Esteban Clua
Evandro Luis Linhari Rodrigues
Fabiano Petronetto
Fatima Nunes
Fábio Cappabianco
Fernando Paulovich
Fillipe Souza
Francesco Banterle
Francisco Pinto
Gabriel Taubin
Gabriela Castellano
Gilson Giraldi
Giovani Chiachia
Gladimir Baranoski
Guilherme Oliveira
Guilherme Ruppert
Guillermo Camara-Chavez
Gustavo Führ
Haim Levkowitz
Harlen Batagelo
Hemerson Pistori
Horacio Fortunato
Hugo Proença
Icaro Oliveira
Jacques Facon
Júlia Oliveira
Joao Paulo Gois
Joao Vicente Reis
Joaquim Cavalcante-Neto
Joaquim Jorge
João Comba
João do Espírito Santo Batista Neto
Jorge Guevara
Jorge Poco Medina
Jose Maria Neves
Juan Climent
Julio Jacques
Kaan Yuecer
Karl Apaza Agüero
Leandro Fernandes
Letícia Rittner
Leticia Guimarães
Lucas Lattari
Luciana Nedel
Luis Gustavo Nonato
Luiz Mirisola
Luiz Gonzaga da Silveira Jr
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
Marcel Jackowski
Marcelo Siqueira
Marco Alvarez Vega
Marcos Lage
Mariana Bento
Marilena Maule
Mario Lizier
Mario Fernando Campos
Matthew Turk
Mauricio Pamplona
Michel Couprie
Moacir Ponti Jr.
Mu Zhou
Nathalie Henry-Riche
Nelson Delfino D'Ávila Mascarenhas
Nico Pietroni
Olga Sorkine
Paola Llerena-Valdivia
Paulo Andrade
Paulo Gotardo
Paulo Joia
Paulo Miranda
Paulo Pagliosa
Paulo Rodrigues
Priscila Tiemi Maeda Saito
Rafael Torchelsen
Ravi Panchumarthy
Ravi Subramanian
Ravi Kiran Krishnan
Renato Silveira
Ricardo Marroquim
Ricardo Torres
Roberto Hirata Jr.
Roberto Scopigno
Roberto Souza
Ronaldo Prati
Rosália Schneider
Rossana Baptista Queiroz
Rubens Machado
Rubisley Lemes
Sarkar Sudeep
Selan dos Santos
Silvio Guimarães
Soraia Musse
Talita Perciano
Thomas Ertl
Thomas Lewiner
Valguima Odakura
Valter Roesler
Veronica Teichrieb
Vinicius Azevedo
Vitor Augusto Jorge
Waldemar Celes
William Roboson Schwartz
Willian Paraguassu Amorim
Wu Shin-Ting
Xiaoyi Jiang
Yuhua Gu
Accepted Tutorials
Call for Workshops Proposals
SIBGRAPI 2012 invites proposals for workshops, to be held as special sessions of the conference. The purpose of these workshops is to provide participants with an informal setting for discussing innovative work on important new technical directions. Workshops should last 2 to 4 hours, and are tentatively scheduled for August 24th, from 2 to 6 pm. Although the format of the workshop also is to be determined by the organizers, substantial time is expected to be allotted for discussion.
Proposals for workshops should be at most 2-3 pages in length and should contain:
- A brief description of the specific technical issues that the workshop will address.
- The reasons why the workshop is of interest at this time.
- Names and contact information of the organizers committee. This committee should consist of at least three experts in the field, not all from the same institution. One of the members should be identified as the contact person.
- Estimate of the audience size and composition.
- Format and agenda.
- Procedures for selecting papers or other types of work.
- A list of audio-visual or technical requirements and any special room requirements.
- A list of previously organized related workshops by any of the workshop organizing committee (previous experience on organizing workshops is not a requirement).
Workshops proposals should be submitted as a pdf file sent by e-mail to
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Important Dates
- Submission deadline: April 19th, 2012
- Notification of acceptance:
April 25th, 2012 May 8th, 2012
Early acceptance may be given to competitive proposals.
Evaluation Process
The SIBGRAPI program chairs will review the proposals regarding:
- Attractiveness, relevance and benefits to the CG, IP, CV and PR community
- Expertise of organizers in the subject area
- Format and agenda
Further Questions
Send an email to
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Accepted Tutorials
T1 - Cloud and mobile Web-based graphics and visualization
Haim Levkowitz (University of Massachussetts Lowell)
Full-Day - Advanced Level
Cloud computing is becoming one of the most prevailing computing platforms. The combination of mobile devices and cloud-based computing is rapidly changing how users consume and use computing resources. With the introduction and penetration of HTML5, and, in particular, its visual capabilities in the form of the canvas element, the implementation of high-quality Web-based graphics has become a reality. Indeed, WebGL offers capabilities comparable to the traditional OpenGL utilizing cloud-based computing resources. It is now feasible to have high-performance graphics and visualization ``in your palm,'' utilizing a mobile device as the front end interface and the display, but performing all the graphics ``heavy lifting'' on a cloud-based platform. We argue that this will become the most common platform for computer graphics and visualization in the not-too-distant future. The goals of this course are to make students familiar with the underlying technologies that make this possible, including (but not limited to) cloud-based computing, mobile computing, their combination, HTML5 and the canvas element, the WebGL graphics library, general Web-based graphics and visualization, and Web-based interactive development environments. Who should attend: researcher, practitioners, and students focused on, interested in, or aspiring to enter the fields of cloud computing, mobile computing, graphics, visualization, Web-based environments and their applications are encouraged to attend. Students will gain a deep understanding of these novel techniques and technologies, and will become capable of applying their knowledge to develop interactive mobile- and cloud-based graphics and visualization applications, which will provide them with soon-to-be highly-desirable skills. Students with previous knowledge of and experience in interactive computer graphics and visualization will gain much more value from this tutorial.
T2 - GPU programing with GLSL
Rodrigo de Toledo (UFRJ), Thiago Gomes (UFRJ)
Full-Day - Elementary Level
Este tutorial propõe um overview sobre o pipeline gráfico programável da forma como temos hoje. Nossa proposta é criar um ambiente de aprendizado baseado em Coding Dojo. Como focaremos no ensino de programação em GPU, propomos a utilização de uma ferramenta de abstração de código de aplicação – o ShaderLabs, desenvolvida pelos mesmos autores deste tutorial.
T3 - Interactive Graphics Applications with OpenGL Shading Language and Qt
Joao Paulo Gois (UFABC), Harlen Batagelo (UFABC)
Full-Day - Intermediate Level
The goal of this tutorial is to enable the attendants to develop interactive graphics applications with OpenGL using the Qt framework.
One of the powers of the Qt framework is to allow for easy development of professional cross-platform applications using C++.
In particular, Qt offers a full-featured framework to render OpenGL contexts and several classes that make easy the development of interactive graphics applications using OpenGL and OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL).
For instance, Qt provides classes to manipulate matrices, vectors, OpenGL vertex buffer objects, textures and GLSL programs.
As a by-product of the present tutorial we will illustrate that Qt is also a suitable framework to didactic purposes where, not only it can easily replace traditional window management libraries such as GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit), but also offers the possibility to develop interactive sophisticate object-oriented applications.
T4 - Kinect and RGBD Images: Challenges and Applications
Leandro Cruz (IMPA), Djalma Lúcio (IMPA), Luiz Velho (IMPA)
Half-Day - Intermediate Level
The Kinect is a device introduced in 2010 as an accessory of XBox 360. The data acquired has different and complementary natures, combining geometry with visual attributes. For this reason, the Kinect is a flexible tool that can be used in applications of several areas, such as: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction. In this way, the Kinect is a widely used device in the industry (games, robotics, theater performers, natural interfaces, etc.) and in research. Initially in this tutorial we will present the main techniques related to the acquisition of data: capturing, representation and filtering. The data consists of a colored image (RGB) and depth information (D). This structure is called RGBD Image. After that, we will talk about tools available for developing applications on various platforms. We will also discuss some recent developed projects based on RGBD Images. In particular, those related to Object Recognition, 3D Reconstruction, and Interaction. In this tutorial, we will show research developed by the academic community, and some projects developed for the industry. We intend to show the basic principles to begin developing applications using Kinect, and present some projects developed at the VISGRAF Lab. And finally, we intend to discuss the new possibilities, challenges and trends raised by Kinect.
T5 - Looking at People: Concepts and Applications
William Robson Schwartz (UFMG)
Half-Day - Advanced Level
The understanding of activities performed by humans in videos presents a great interest of the Computer Vision community. To achieve a precise and accurate interpretation of the activities being performed in a scene, tasks such as detection, recognition, tracking, person re-identification, pose estimation, and action recognition have to be performed accurately to provide enough information to inference systems responsible for recognizing such activities. Such tasks belong to the application domain of the Computer Vision called Looking at People, which has as general goal the analysis of images and videos containing humans. Problems in this domain present increasing interest of the scientific community due to their direct application to areas such as surveillance, biometrics and automation, which can provide significant technological advances. Due to the high degree of dependence between the tasks (e.g., the individual action recognition depends on the correct tracking and detection of a person), they can be affected by error propagation and amplification during the process. In such case, tasks performed later (e.g., action recognition) might not be accomplished accurately due to the large amount of incorrect results obtained by previous tasks (e.g., poor detection results that do not locate correctly the person that is performing an action). Therefore, there is the need that each task be performed in a robust manner. A promising approach being employed in these problems is the use of multiple feature descriptors simultaneously so that richer visual information contained in the scene is captured. This tutorial focuses on the concepts of looking at people and tasks belonging to this domain and is structured in four parts. First, the concepts and the importance of the domain to the academic community and the development of the technology will be presented. Second, the extraction of the visual information through the use of feature descriptors will be discussed. Third, the main goals, challenges, connections and possible effects of error propagation for each task in the domain (e.g., background subtraction, human and face detection, face recognition, person tracking and re-identification, pose estimation and action recognition) will be discussed. Finally, a promising approach based on the combination of multiple feature descriptors through the statistical method called Partial Least Squares will be discussed and its application to several computer vision tasks will be described. At the end of this tutorial, the audience will be able to identify the most suitable feature extraction methods to be applied to a given task and will be aware of the importance of extracting richer visual information from the scene to obtain accurate results for the low level problems which allows the achievement of improved and robust solutions for the high level problems
T6 - Transparency and Anti-Aliasing Techniques for Real-Time Rendering
Marilena Maule (UFRGS), João Comba (UFRGS), Rafael Torchelsen (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS), Rui Bastos (NVIDIA)
Half-Day - Advanced Level
Transparency and anti-aliasing effects are crucial to enhance the realism in computer-generated images. In common, both effects have the fact they rely on processing discrete samples from a given function, but using the samples for different purposes. For transparency computation, samples usually encode color information along a ray that crosses a scene, which are combined in order of intersection to produce the final color of a pixel. For anti-aliasing, samples usually represent different color contributions within the region of a pixel, and must be combined with the proper weights to produce the final color of a pixel. Graphics applications have a high demand for such effects. Transparency effects are largely used to render transparent objects in CAD models, and several other phenomena, such as hair, smoke, fire, rain, grass, etc. Anti-aliasing is an even more crucial effect, because jagged edges can be easily spotted and create disruptive distractions during a 3D walkthrough, and clearly are unacceptable in real-time applications. For algorithms that compute these effects, there are several factors that impact the quality and performance of the final result. For example, a simple transparency effect can be simulated using pre-computed textures, sorted in depth order. However, more complex transparent effects, which require a higher cost for processing transparency samples in depth ordering, are often too costly to be included in interactive 3D applications, like games. This scenario is changing with the improvement in performance of GPUs, but transparency effects still have to fight for the computational power with the other aspects of the application. Similarly, anti-aliasing (AA) techniques are directly impacted by the need to collect and process multiple samples. There is a vast number of proposals in the image processing literature that describes how to solve the problem, each with its own tradeoffs on quality and performance. Likewise, GPUs are often used to improve performance of AA algorithms, and some already have AA support in hardware. While good results with respect to quality and performance are obtained for static scenes, to maintain temporal coherence (coherence between frames) is still challenging, especially when relying only in the color information. In this tutorial we review state-of-the-art techniques for transparency and anti-aliasing effects. Their initial ideas and subsequent GPU accelerations are detailed, with a discussion on their strengths and limitations. We conclude with a discussion on applications and methods that can arise in the future.
The program committee would like to thank the following reviewers:
Afonso Paiva (ICMC-USP)
Bruno Carvalho (UFRN)
Fernando Marson (PUC-RS)
Fernando Osorio (USP)
Gabriel Taubin (Brown University)
Joao Paulo Gois (UFABC)
José Rodrigues Júnior (ICMC-USP)
José Mario De Martino (UNICAMP)
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo (IMPA)
Marcelo Dreux (PUC-Rio)
Marcelo Kallmann (University of California, Merced)
Marcelo Siqueira (UFRN)
Marcos Lage (UFF)
Maria Cristina de Oliveira (ICMC-USP)
Michael Reale (Binghamton University)
Ricardo Marroquim (UFRJ)
Roberto Scopigno (CNR-ISTI)
Selan dos Santos (UFRN)
Shaun Canavan (Binghamton University)
Waldemar Celes (PUC-Rio)
Wu Shin-Ting (UNICAMP)
Call for Tutorial Proposals
SIBGRAPI 2012 welcomes submissions of tutorials in all areas of the Conference, particularly Computer Graphics (CG), Computer Vision (CV), Image Processing (IP), and Pattern Recognition (PR). Tutorials should be classified in one of the following: elementary, intermediate, or advanced. Tutorials are free of charge to the conference attendees and may take 3 hours (half day) or 6 hours (full day). Only elementary tutorials may be presented in Portuguese. Intermediate or advanced tutorials must be presented in English with handouts in the same language of presentation. In order to prepare the submission, please consider the guidelines below:
- Elementary Tutorials: typically complement the basic undergraduate curriculum in Computer Science and help to attract students for graduate studies in CV, IP, CG, and PR. Instructors should not assume that the audience has basic knowledge in these areas.
- Intermediate Tutorials: are targeted to students, professionals and researchers in CV, IP, CG, and PR who wish to learn advanced techniques, which can be used in their work. Instructors may assume that attendees are familiar with basic notions of mathematics, numerical methods, programming, and CV, IP, CG, and PR.
- Advanced Tutorials: should focus the state-of-the-art research, recent developments, emerging topics and novel applications in CV, IP, CG, and PR.
PLEASE NOTE that due to infrastructure constraints we cannot offer hands-on tutorials.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline:
May 6th, 2012 May 13th, 2012
- Notification of acceptance:
May 27th, 2012 May 31st, 2012
- Survey paper due:
June 24th, 2012 July 15th, 2012 (more details below)
- Camera ready due: August 7th, 2012
- Handouts due:
July 31st, 2012 August 5th, 2012 (more details below)
Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged.
Tutorial Selection
All proposals will be blindly reviewed by at least two experts in the topic and will be judged by: relevance for the conference; expected size of the audience; potential to attract participants to the conference; originality; and qualification of the instructors in the topic of the tutorial.
Author's instructions
Tutorial proposals should be submitted through the JEMS submission site. Please, send your proposal up to 8 pages in PDF format using the SIBGRAPI IEEE LaTeX template available at the submission instructions' page. The proposals should be written in Portuguese (elementary tutorials only) or English and contain the following information:
First page:
- Title
- Level (elementary, intermediate or advanced and how many hours required, 3h or 6h)
- Abstract
Next 7 pages:
- Motivation
- Target audience
- Interest for the CV, IP, CG and PR community;
- List of the topics to be presented, including: estimated duration, subtopics, relevant literature;
- Presentation requirements: equipments and/or software;
- Short biography of the instructors, including relevant experience in the topic of the tutorial
- Plan for presentation (include information on who will present the tutorial)
Each tutorial must be presented by at least one of the authors (please include this information in the submission). Handouts must be prepared to be distributed to the tutorials' participants. Instructions for the creation of the handouts will be given to the authors of the accepted tutorials at a later date.
SIBGRAPI will cover the registration fee of one of the authors and will provide partial financial support for authors of accepted tutorials.
Survey Papers
Authors of the selected tutorials will be invited to prepare a survey paper in English, in the tutorial's topic, for the electronic version of the conference proceedings. This paper will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. A survey paper is a manuscript with an introduction, a structured presentation of the topic, and conclusions indicating trends, applications, and directions for future work. This paper will be peer reviewed as well before publication. For tutorials of previous years published by IEEE CPS please check:
For inquiries concerning this call, please contact the chairs below.
- Marcelo Walter (UFRGS, Brazil) at
- Lijun Yin (Binghamton University, USA) lijun at
Workshop of Theses and Dissertations |
Awards - Theses and Dissertations
(1st place in Ph.D. category)
Content-Based Retrieval of Compressed Videos (Ph.D.)
J. Almeida (UNICAMP), N. J. Leite (UNICAMP), R. da S. Torres (UNICAMP).
(2nd place in Ph.D. category)
Exploiting Contextual Information in Image Retrieval Tasks (Ph.D.)
D. C. G. Pedronette (UNICAMP), R. da S. Torres (UNICAMP).
(1st place in M.Sc. category)
Image Segmentation based on Fuzzy Region Competition (M.Sc.)
V. R. P. Borges (UFU), Célia A. Z. Barcelos (UFU), D. Guliato (UFU), M. A. Batista (UFG).
(2nd place in M.Sc. category)
Combining Multiple Approaches for Accuracy Improvement in Remote Sensed Hyperspectral Images Classification (M.Sc.)
A. B. Santos (UFMG), A. de A. Araújo (UFMG), D. Menotti (UFOP).
Accepted WTD Papers
A Comparative Study of Image Segmentation by Application of Normalized Cut on Graphs (M.Sc.)
A. Ferreira (UNICAMP), M. A. G. Carvalho (UNICAMP).
A Computer Vision Approach for the Features Extraction of Magnetic Force Field Lines in Coronal Solar Images (Ph.D.)
C. W. Silva (INPE), J. E. R. Costa (INPE), R. R. Rosa (INPE).
A Multibiometric Approach in a Semi Automatic Dental Recognition Using DIFT Technique and Dental Shape Features (M.Sc.)
E. B. Barboza (UNESP), A. N. Marana (UNESP).
Aceleração da Técnica de Cubos Marchantes para Visualização Volumétrica com Placas Gráficas (M.Sc.)
M. V. M. Cirne (UNICAMP), H. Pedrini (UNICAMP).
Action Recognition with Bag-of-Visual-Features and Contextual Information Added by Transfer Learning
(withdrawn by the authors)
A. P. Lopes, E. Valle Jr, J. Almeida, A. de A. Araújo
An Approach for Reducing the Training Set of the KNN Applied to Remote Sensed Hyperspectral Images Classification (M.Sc.)
S. L. J. L. Tinoco (UFOP), D. Menotti (UFOP).
An Evaluation on Color Invariant Based Local Spatiotemporal Features for Action Recognition (M.Sc.)
F. D. M. Souza (UFMG), E. A. Valle Jr. (UNICAMP), G. Cámara-Chávez (UFOP), A. de A. Araújo (UFMG).
An Unsupervised Approach for Boundary Detection of Colored Natural Scenes (Ph.D.)
K. S. Komati (IFES Campus Serra), E. O. T. Salles (UFES), M. Sarcinelli Filho (UFES).
Análise de Características para Detecção de Nudez em Imagens (M.Sc.)
C. Santos (UFAM), E. M. Santos (UFAM), E. Souto (UFAM).
Arquitetura para Recuperação de Imagens Médicas Baseada em Conteúdo: Uma Ferramenta para Auxílio à Radiologia em Ambiente PACS e DICOM SR (M.Sc.)
C. A. Berni (UFSM), J. C. A. Berni (UFSM), J. A. T. B. Costa (UFSM).
Combining Multiple Approaches for Accuracy Improvement in Remote Sensed Hyperspectral Images Classification (M.Sc.)
A. B. Santos (UFMG), A. de A. Araújo (UFMG), D. Menotti (UFOP).
Content-Based Retrieval for 3D Medical Models: A study case using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M.Sc.)
L. C. C. Bergamasco (EACH-USP), F. L. S. Nunes (EACH-USP).
Content-Based Retrieval of Compressed Videos (Ph.D.)
J. Almeida (UNICAMP), N. J. Leite (UNICAMP), R. da S. Torres (UNICAMP).
Detecção da Direção do Olhar via Webcam (M.Sc.)
R. G. Monteiro (UFRJ), C. Lima (UFRJ), A. C. G. Thomé (UFRJ).
Evaluation of Real Time Tracking Methods for an Open Source Motion Capture System (M.Sc.)
D. P. Queiroz (UFMG), J. V. B. Gomide (FUMEC), A. de A. Araújo (UFMG).
Exploiting Contextual Information in Image Retrieval Tasks (Ph.D.)
D. C. G. Pedronette (UNICAMP), R. da S. Torres (UNICAMP).
Filtragem MAP 2-D de Imagens CT Ruidosas (M.Sc.)
R. J. Geraldo (UFSCar), N. D. A. Mascarenhas (UFSCar).
Image Segmentation based on Fuzzy Region Competition (M.Sc.)
V. R. P. Borges (UFU), Célia A. Z. Barcelos (UFU), D. Guliato (UFU), M. A. Batista (UFG).
Image Segmentation Pipeline Based on Level Set and Topological Derivative (M.Sc.)
D. A. Machado (LNCC), A. A. Novotny (LNCC), G. A. Giraldi (LNCC).
Method for Computational Analysis of Histopathological Images to Support the Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer (M.Sc.)
G. H. B. Miranda (FFCLRP-USP), J. Barrera (IME-USP), E. G. Soares (FMRP-USP), J. C. Felipe (FFCLRP-USP).
Métodos de Segmentação e Parcelamento do Corpo Caloso em Imagens de Tensores de Difusão (M.Sc.)
P. Freitas (UNICAMP), L. Rittner (UNICAMP), R. Lotufo (UNICAMP), S. Appenzeller (UNICAMP).
Modelagem Procedural de Folhas baseada em Padrões de Venação e de Pigmentação (M.Sc.)
T. C. Miranda (UFRGS), M. Walter (UFRGS).
Multiple Images Set Classification via Network Modularity (Ph.D.)
T. H. Cupertino (ICMC-USP), T. C. Silva (ICMC-USP), L. Zhao (ICMC-USP).
Pattern Recognition using Complex Networks (Ph.D.)
T. C. Silva (ICMC-USP), L. Zhao (ICMC-USP).
Proposta de um Modelo Visualmente Realístico para Simulação Virtual de Laparoscopia Orientada a Dados Médicos (M.Sc.)
A. L. P. Nunes (UFRGS), M. Walter (UFRGS), A. Maciel (UFRGS).
Registration and Fusion with Mutual Information for Information-preserved Multimodal Visualization (M.Sc.)
A. C. Valente (UNICAMP), S.-T. Wu (UNICAMP).
Sistema Biométrico Multimodal Baseado em Pupilometria Dinâmica (M.Sc.)
V. A. N. Yano (UNICAMP), A. Zimmer (UFPR).
Skeleton-based Human Segmentation in Still Images (Ph.D.)
J. C. S. Jacques Junior (PUC-RS), S. R. Musse (PUC-RS), Claudio R. Jung (UFRGS).
Uma Abordagem de Simplificação de Imagem Colorida baseada na Árvore Geradora Mínima (M.Sc.)
K. J. F. Souza (PUC-Minas), S. J. F. Guimarães (PUC-Minas).
Utilizando Propagação de Crença Não Paramétrica para Rastreamento de Movimento com Mínimo Uso de Informação a Priori (M.Sc.)
G. M. Simas (FURG), R. A. Bem (FURG), S. S. C. Botelho (FURG).
VSRV: Video Summarization for Rushes Videos (M.Sc.)
T. O. Cunha (UFMG), F. G. H. Souza (UFMG), G. L. Pappa (UFMG), A. de A. Araújo (UFMG).
The program committee would like to thank the following reviewers:
Alex Bordignon
André Backes
Anselmo Montenegro
Bruno Carvalho
Bruno Fernandes
Carlos Bastos
Christiano Bouvie
Cristiano Pereira
Dionicio Vasquez
Elias Silva Junior
Fabiano Petronetto
João Paixão
Julio Jacques
Leandro Fernandes
Lhaylla Crissaff
Nara Portela
Rodrigo Plotze
Sinesio Pesco
Thales Vieira
Call for Workshop of Theses and Dissertations
The Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD) aims to motivate discussions among graduate students and experts around the
graduate-level research related to the topics covered by the SIBGRAPI.
Those that concluded their graduate studies recently or are currently
conducting their graduate level research are cordially invited to
submit a paper to SIBGRAPI WTD. Accepted works will be presented in
poster sessions and published in the SIBGRAPI DVD proceedings (with
ISSN), provided that one of the authors has registered to the event.
Important Dates
- Abstract Due Date: May 16th, 2012
- Submission Deadline:
May 20th, 2012 May 25th, 2012
- Notification of Acceptance:
June 20th, 2012 June 22nd, 2012
- Camera Ready Due: July 8th, 2012
Who can submit?
- Students who defended their M.Sc or Ph.D. after 01/01/2011 and did
not present their final work at previous editions of the SIBGRAPI WTD.
- Students currently preparing their master or doctorate work who did
not present their ongoing work at previous editions of the SIBGRAPI WTD.
Works selection
The WTD program committee will evaluate the submitted works with
regard to the following criteria: originality, technical quality,
contribution of the research, and clarity of presentation.
Best works awards
A number of awards for best doctorate and master works will be given
based on the submitted work grades and on the opinion of a reduced
committee that will evaluate the poster presentations during the
Author's instruction
Submissions related to M.Sc. work can be written in Portuguese or
English, while those related to Ph.D. must be written in English. The
text should follow the SIBGRAPI formatting guideline, but with the
following adjustments:
- The names of the authors should not be omitted, disregarding the
requirement of anonymity for the articles. In particular, students must
appear as the first author and advisor as the last author, with eventual
co-advisors and other collaborators in the middle.
- Texts in Portuguese (only master’s work) should include, beyond
the abstract in Portuguese, also an abstract in English.
- The articles are limited to 6 – double-column pages.
- Abstracts should contain no more than 200 words.
- The text should indicate, as a footnote on the first page,
whether the work relates to a master’s thesis or doctoral
- The papers should be submitted through
the JEMS
system. Please go to
the submission
instructions page for further information.
Posters Preparation
Posters should be prepared using an area of 90cm x 120 cm at maximum and in a portrait orientation.
The use of small fonts on the text production is not recommended.
It is not necessary to include the poster in the JEMS system.
The authors may follow the SIBGRAPI 2012 poster template in PowerPoint or Corel Draw formats).
- Helio Cortes Vieira Lopes (PUC-Rio)
- Nina S. T. Hirata (USP)
Program Committee
Marcos Lage (UFF)
Marcelo Siqueira (UFRN)
Maria Andréia F. Rodrigues (UNIFOR)
Soraia Raupp Musse (PUCRS)
Vinícius Mello (UFBA)
Anderson Rocha (IC/UNICAMP)
Fátima N. Sombra de Medeiros (UFC)
George Darmiton da Cunha Cavalcanti (UFPE)
Jacob Scharcanski (UFRGS)
Joceli Mayer (UFSC)
Odemir Bruno (IFSC/USP)
Workshop of Undergraduate Works |
Awards - Undergraduate Works
(1st place)
Studying The Added Value of Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Metrics
W. Akamine (UnB), M. Farias (UnB).
(2nd place)
Displacement Mapping Techniques: Analysis and Comparisons
G. N. Lima (UFABC), H. C. Batagelo (UFABC), J. P. Gois (UFABC).
(3rd place)
BRDF Fitting Using Inverse Global Illumination and Stochastic Optimization
G. Pfeiffer (UFRJ), R. Marroquim (UFRJ).
(honorable mention)
Visualização de grandes geobodies em tempo interativo com suporte a filtragem por componentes e valores
L. Novaes (PUC-Rio), C. A. Campos (PUC-Rio), P. M. Silva (PUC-Rio), W. Celes (PUC-Rio).
Accepted WUW Papers
A Methodology for Evaluation of People Counting Methods based on Video Analysis
V. H. C. Melo (UFOP), S. S. Almeida (UFOP), J. C. Mendes (UFOP), D. Menotti (UFOP).
A Scale Robust Calibration Method for Face Detection Framework
P. H. R. Assis (PUC-Rio), M. F. M. Campos (UFMG).
Anotação automática de vídeo baseada na detecção de gestos em um ambiente de videoconferência
T. S. Nazaré (ICMC-USP), R. V. C. Beber (ICMC-USP), M. P. Ponti Jr. (ICMC-USP).
Aplicabilidade de GPUs de baixo custo na Otimização da Análise de Similaridade de Imagens
F. Prochazka (UFAL), M. C. Oliveira (UFAL).
Avaliação de técnicas de seleção de quadros-chave na recuperação de informação por conteúdo visual
S. S. Pinho (PUC-Minas), K. J. F. Souza (PUC-Minas).
BRDF Fitting Using Inverse Global Illumination and Stochastic Optimization
G. Pfeiffer (UFRJ), R. Marroquim (UFRJ).
Caracterização da atividade biológica usando análise de textura em speckles
D. J. F. I. Lucena (UFAL), J. F. Silva (UFAL), M. C. Oliveira (UFAL), E. Lima (UFAL).
Computational System for Visualization and Lattice Boltzmann Fluid Simulation
J. G. Mayworm (LNCC), S. F. Judice (LNCC), G. A. Giraldi (LNCC).
Contagem automática de colônias bacterianas com o uso das técnicas template matching e hough circles
A. M. Pinheiro (UFGD), K. E. Souza (UFGD), V. V. V. A. Odakura (UFGD), W. P. Amorim (UFGD).
Determinação da orientação em linhas de cultura: investigando métodos de processamento de imagens para aplicação na agricultura de precisão
C. S. Oliveira (UFSJ), G. D. Ferreira (UFSJ), J. P. H. Sansão (UFSJ), L. A. Mozelli (UFSJ), M. C. Silva Jr (UFSJ).
Displacement Mapping Techniques: Analysis and Comparisons
G. N. Lima (UFABC), H. C. Batagelo (UFABC), J. P. Gois (UFABC).
Estereoscopia no cálculo de distância e controle de plataforma robótica
G. R. P. Esteves (UPE), M. A. F. Feitosa (UPE), B. J. T. Fernandes (UPE).
Exploração de Métodos para Detecção Automática de Claquetes em Rushes Videos
F. G. H. Souza (UFMG), T. O. Cunha (UFMG), A. de A. Araújo (UFMG).
Extração de Padrões de Imagens de Ultrassonografias Obstétricas utilizando Wavelets
F. Alves Neto (ICMC-USP), L. Zhao (ICMC-USP).
Integrando Interface Tangível com Técnicas de Realidade Aumentada para Ampliar a Experiência Interativa do Usuário
F. Rodrigues (UNIVEM), F. Sato (UNIVEM), L. Botega (UNIVEM).
Interface Luana: uma Aplicação Gráfica para o Ensino da Árvore Binária Kd-Tree
R. D. Lima (UERJ), G. L. A. Mota (UERJ), P. E. D. Pinto (UERJ).
Normalização de Vetores Integrada ao Cálculo do Produto Escalar Utilizando Tabelas de Dispersão
R. F. Silva (DCTA), G. Silva (FATEC Guaratinguetá), H. T. M. Santos (FATEC Guaratinguetá).
Poligonização de Superfícies Implícitas usando Técnicas Intervalares
F. Lira (UFAL), D. Martínez (UFAL).
Quantização de imagens para geração de descritores compactos de cor e textura
L. C. Escobar (ICMC-USP), M. P. Ponti Jr. (ICMC-USP).
Segmentação baseada em Textura e Watershed aplicada a imagens de Pólen
W. T. Andrade (UCDB), L. N. B. Quinta (UCDB), A. B. Gonçalves (UCDB), M. P. Cereda (UCDB), H. Pistori (UCDB).
Studying The Added Value of Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Metrics
W. Akamine (UnB), M. Farias (UnB).
Técnicas de Programação em GPU Aplicadas à Visualização de Modelos com Múltiplas Texturas
V. Andrade (UFRJ), R. Marroquim (UFRJ).
Uma Abordagem Escalável para Manutenção de Galeria de Faces
G. P. Carlos (UNICAMP), H. Pedrini (UNICAMP), W. R. Schwartz (UFMG).
Uma resolução da equação de Laplace por Volumes Finitos e diagrama de Voronoi com refinamento adaptativo e de Ruppert
T. H. Oliveira (UFLA), S. L. G. Oliveira (UFLA).
URGE: Motor para o Desenvolvimento de Jogos Eletrônicos
A. A. A. O. Cardoso (UFRJ), V. C. Maia (UFRJ), R. de Toledo (UFRJ).
Visualização de grandes geobodies em tempo interativo com suporte a filtragem por componentes e valores
L. Novaes (PUC-Rio), C. A. Campos (PUC-Rio), P. M. Silva (PUC-Rio), W. Celes (PUC-Rio).
Visualização de Informação com recursos colaborativos e interativos utilizando o padrão X3D
A. F. C. Carmo (UNESP), M. H. Shimabukuro (UNESP).
The program committee would like to thank the following reviewers:
Adriano Barbosa
Afonso Paiva
Alan Hiraga
Alex Bordignon
Alexander Scaranti
Alicia Isolina Pretel Jesús
Antonio Carlos Sementille
Aparecido Nilceu Marana
Carlos da Silva Santos
Cynthia O.L. Ferreira
Danilo Motta
Davi Nakano
Denis Salvadeo
Diogo Trevisan
Douglas Cedrim
Douglas Cordeiro
Edilson de Aguiar
Erick Gomez-Nieto
Fabiano Petronetto
Fabricio Breve
Filipe Nascimento
Frizzi San Roman Salazar
Klaus Côco
Luis Augusto Martins Pereira
Luis Claudio Sugi Afonso
Luzia M. Romanetto
Marcos Sandim
Mario Lizier
Martha Dais Ferreira
Moacir Pereira Ponti Jr.
Paola Llerena-Valdivia
Paulo Pagliosa
Perfilino Ferreira Júnior
Rodrigo Yuji Mizobe Nakamura
Tacito Neves
Vinicius Pereira Borges
Wallace Casaca
Yossi Zana
Call for Workshop of Undergraduate Works
Welcome to the 10th edition of the Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW) of SIBGRAPI 2012. The main goals of WUW are to motivate undergraduate students involved in research projects on Computer Graphics and Image Processing to attend and present their works at the SIBGRAPI conference; and to provide opportunities and environment for undergraduate students to discuss their research with other students and experts in the area. Works may be submitted by any student currently enrolled in an undergraduate program or who have graduated in the last 12 months. The work can be individual or in group, but must have a professor responsible for the research. Thus, each paper must have at least two authors. Accepted works should be presented in poster sessions and will be published in the SIBGRAPI Electronic Proceedings (with ISSN), provided that at least one author student has registered to the event.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline:
May 11th, 2012 May 21st, 2012
- Notification of Acceptance:
June 24th, 2012 July 1st, 2012 July 3rd, 2012
- Camera Ready:
July 8th, 2012 July 12th, 2012 July 15th, 2012
Best Paper Selection
Awards will be given for the three best works, presented at the WUW poster session by one of the author students. Awarded authors will receive a certificate, as well as a special recommendation for the work publication at REIC (Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica), an electronic journal published by SBC.
Work Selection
The WUW program committee will evaluate the submitted works with regard to the following criteria: originality, technical quality, contribution of the research and presentation.
Author's instruction
Submissions can be written in Portuguese or English, and the text should follow the SIBGRAPI 2012 formatting guidelines for full papers, but with the following adjustments. The names of the authors should not be omitted, disregarding the requirement of anonymity for the articles. In particular, students must appear as the first authors and the advisor as the last author, with eventual co-advisors and other collaborators in the middle. Texts in Portuguese should include, after the abstract in Portuguese, also an abstract in English. Articles are limited to 6 double-column pages. Papers should be submitted through the JEMS system. Please go to the submission instructions' pagefor further information.
Posters Preparation
Posters should be prepared using an area of 90cm x 120 cm at maximum and in a portrait orientation.
The use of small fonts on the text production is not recommended.
It is not necessary to include the poster in the JEMS system.
The authors may follow the SIBGRAPI 2012 poster template in PowerPoint or Corel Draw formats).
- Afonso Paiva Neto (ICMC-USP, Brazil)
- João Paulo Papa (UNESP, Brazil)
Program Committee
Alexandre Levada (UFSCar)
Antonio Carlos Sementille (UNESP)
Aparecido Nilceu Marana (UNESP)
Fabiano Petronetto (UFES)
Fabricio Breve (UNESP)
Joao Paulo Gois (UFABC)
Moacir Ponti Jr. (USP)
Paulo Pagliosa (UFMS)
Workshop of Works in Progress |
Accepted WIP Papers
A New Parameter Choice Method for Inverse Problems with Poisson Noise
E. S. Helou (ICMC-USP), L. E. A. Simões (ICMC-USP).
Algorithm to Automatic Identification of Fractures in X-Ray Image Computerized
(withdrawn by the authors)
E. Cardoso (UFRGS), I. Manssour (PUC-RS), J. Oliveira (PUC-RS)
Analysis of Brain White Matter Hyperintensities
M. Bento (UNICAMP), L. Rittner (UNICAMP), R. Lotufo (UNICAMP), S. Appenzeller (UNICAMP).
Automatic Trimap Generation with Structured Lighting and Chromakey
A. C. T. Blaia Junior (UNESP), D. Z. Vielmas (UNESP), H. F. Arruda (UNESP), I. A. Aguilar (UNESP), A. C. Sementille (UNESP).
Cloth Modeling with a Discrete Cosserat Surface
M. R. Costa (UNICAMP), M. S. Camillo (UNICAMP), S.-T. Wu (UNICAMP).
Contagem Automática de Colônias em Placas de Petri Usando Técnicas de Visão Computacional
V. V. V. A. Odakura (UFGD), W. P. Amorim (UFGD), A. M. Pinheiro (UFGD), K. E. Souza (UFGD).
Development of a Hybrid Stereo Vision System for 3D Shape Estimation
M. E. Stivanello (UFSC), M. R. Stemmer (UFSC).
Deviceless Gestural Interaction in Public Displays
T. Motta (UFRGS), L. Nedel (UFRGS).
Elementos de um laboratório virtual de Física controlados por Wiimote
R. Scalco (CEUN-IMT), S.-T. Wu (UNICAMP).
Filtragem de Projeções Tomográficas Utilizando Estimadores MAP
E. S. Ribeiro (CEFET-MG), N. D. A. Mascarenhas (UFSCar).
Forensic Facial Reconstruction using HRBF
R. Romeiro (UFRJ), R. Marroquim (UFRJ), C. Esperança (UFRJ).
Identificação de Câmeras baseada no Ruído Padrão do Sensor usando Métodos Estatísticos
L. Torres (RASTRU), A. S. Nascimento (RASTRU), V. Ramos (RASTRU), J. Alencar-Neto (RASTRU).
Identificação Precoce de Fadiga em Atletas por Reconhecimento de Padrões em Movimentos Oculares e Variabilidade da Frequência Cardíaca
D. Schmaedech (UFSC), E. Takase (UFSC), J. Bastos (UFSC).
Integrando Inferência dos Parâmetros de Vôo Associando o Movimento do Horizonte com Informações da Câmera
M. M. R. Lima (UFAM), J. L. S. Pio (UFAM).
Interactive visualization of well data for supporting geological reservoir modelling
O. P. Silva (UFRGS), C. M. D. S. Freitas (UFRGS), M. Abel (UFRGS).
Modeling Deformable Objects as Compliant Mechanisms
D. F. Silva (UFRGS), A. Maciel (UFRGS).
Motion segmentation from texture and depth images using graph homomorphism
D. S. Pires (IME-USP), R. M. Cesar-Jr (IME-USP), L. Velho (IMPA).
Object Extraction in RGBD images
F. Prada (IMPA), L. Cruz (IMPA), L. Velho (IMPA).
Otimizando a Transformada de Hough com Interseção de Semiespaços
J. F. Santos (UFF), L. A. F. Fernandes (UFF).
Plataforma para Autoria de Jogos Simples
P. M. R. Souza (UFRJ), C. Esperança (UFRJ), R. Marroquim (UFRJ).
Poisson Surface Reconstruction with Local Mesh Simplification
J. H. P. Ono (UNESP), A. C. Sementille (UNESP), M. A. C. Caldeira (UNESP), J. F. Marar (UNESP).
Sistema de Visão Computacional para Extração Automática de Parâmetros em Ambientes Monitorados
M. M. Bueno (IFSC), M. E. Stivanello (IFSC), S. Varga (IFSC), E. A. Fedechen (IFSC).
Symmetry-based Method for Anomalies Detection on Morphological Neuroimages
G. C. S. Ruppert (CTI Renato Archer), J. V. L. Silva (CTI Renato Archer), A. X. Falcão (UNICAMP).
TRIOS - an open source toolbox for training image operators from samples
I. S. Montagner (IME-USP), R. Hirata Jr. (IME-USP), N. S. T. Hirata (IME-USP).
Using Vibrotactile Communication to Assist in Orientation and Locomotion
V. A. J. Oliveira (UFRGS), A. Maciel (UFRGS).
Uso de estereoscopia na movimentação autônoma de robôs
D. M. S. Cardoso (UFG).
Uso de técnicas de paralelização em GPGPU e Multirresolução para Suavização de Imagem
C. A. S. J. Gulo (UNESP), A. C. Sementille (UNESP), A. F. Araújo (Universidade do Porto), J. M. R. S. Tavares (Universidade do Porto).
Video Stitching based on Optical Tracking
J. G. Grandi (UFRGS), A. Maciel (UFRGS).
Vision Based Navigation of Aerial Drones over The Rain Forest: Extracting and Tracking natural landmarks
F. Pinagé (UFAM), J. R. H. Carvalho (UFAM), J. P. Queiroz Neto (IFAM).
Visualização de Malhas Tubulares em Movimento
L. F. Silva (UFRJ), R. de Toledo (UFRJ).
Walk in Place Using a Balance Board Matrix
H. F. Krammes Filho (UFRGS), W. J. Sarmiento (Universidad del Cauca), V. A. Jorge (UFRGS), C. Collazos (Universidad del Cauca), L. Nedel (UFRGS).
The program committee would like to thank the following reviewers:
Alceu Britto Jr
Alex Bordignon
André Backes
Antonio Apolinário Jr.
Aristófanes Silva
Bruno Fernandes
Bruno Travencolo
Carlos Mello
David Menotti
Dimas Martínez Morera
Esdras Medeiros
Fabiano Petronetto
Francisco Madeiro
Helena Cristina Gama Leitão
Helio Pedrini
Humberto Razente
Joao Paulo Papa
Joao Paulo Gois
Juliano Lima
Lhaylla Crissaff
Luiz Gonçalves
Marcelo Siqueira
Marcos Batista
Marcos Lage
Maria Andrade
Maria Camila Nardini Barioni
Nelson Mascarenhas
Perfilino Ferreira Júnior
Ricardo Marroquim
Ricardo Torres
Silvio Guimarães
Sinesio Pesco
Tiago de Carvalho
Vinícius Mello
Wendeson Oliveira
William Schwartz
Call for Workshop of Works in Progress
Authors are invited to submit works in progress in all areas of Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Works in progress are two-page original, unpublished contributions that describe ongoing research, sketches, extended
abstracts of development projects or other technical information of potential interest to the SIBGRAPI public.
Accepted works will be included in the digital format of the Conference Proceedings.
Submission and Formatting Guidelines
Authors are required to submit fully formatted two-page papers, with graphs, images, and other special areas arranged as
intended for final publication in electronic format (only PDF files will be accepted) through the online JEMS system.
Submissions need to be anonymous for double blind-review and written in Portuguese or in English.
Please go to the submission instructions page for
further information.
All accepted works will be presented in a special poster session during the SIBGRAPI 2012.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline:
June 25th, 2012 July 2nd, 2012 July 6th, 2012
- Notification of Acceptance:
July 16th, 2012 July 18th, 2012 July 24th, 2012
- Camera Ready Due:
July 31st, 2012 August 2nd, 2012
Posters Preparation
Posters should be prepared using an area of 90cm x 120 cm at maximum and in a portrait orientation.
The use of small fonts on the text production is not recommended.
It is not necessary to include the poster in the JEMS system.
The authors may follow the SIBGRAPI 2012 poster template in PowerPoint or Corel Draw formats).
- Denise Guliato (UFU, Brazil)
- Thales Vieira (UFAL, Brazil)
Program Committee
Adelailson Peixoto (UFAL)
Alceu Britto Jr. (PUC-PR)
Alex Bordignon (UFRJ)
André Backes (UFU)
Antonio Apolinário Jr. (UFBA)
Aristófanes Silva (UFMA)
Bruno Fernandes (UFPE)
Bruno Travencolo (UFU)
Carlos Mello (UFPE)
Cristina Vasconcelos (UFF)
David Menotti (UFOP)
Dimas Martínez Morera (UFAL)
Esdras Medeiros (UFC)
Fabiano Petronetto (UFES)
Francisco Madeiro (Universidade Católica de Pernambuco)
Helena Cristina Gama Leitão (UFF)
Helio Pedrini (UNICAMP)
Humberto Razente (UFABC)
Joao Paulo Papa (UNESP-Bauru)
Joao Paulo Gois (UFABC)
Juliano Lima- (UFPE)
Lhaylla Crissaff (UFF)
Luiz Gonçalves (UFRN)
Marcelo Siqueira (UFRN)
Marcos Batista (UFG)
Marcos Lage (UFF)
Maria Andrade (UFAL)
Maria Camila Nardini Barioni (UFU)
Nelson Mascarenhas (UFSCar)
Perfilino Ferreira Júnior (UFBA)
Ricardo Marroquim (UFRJ)
Ricardo Torres (UNICAMP)
Silvio Guimarães (PUC-Minas)
Sinesio Pesco (PUC-Rio)
Tsang Ing Ren (UFPE)
Vinícius Mello (UFBA)
William Schwartz (UFMG)
Workshop on Industry Applications |
Accepted WGARI Papers
Broadcast Video Navigation Interface
B. N. Teixeira (UFMG), J. E. E. Oliveira (UFMG), T. O. Cunha (UFMG), A. de A. Araújo (UFMG), F. D. M. Souza (USF, USA).
Cutaway Applied to Corner Point Models
Z. Martins Filho (University of Calgary), E. V. Brazil (University of Calgary), M. C. Sousa (University of Calgary), F. Carvalho (UFRJ), R. Marroquim (UFRJ).
HTHM: Sistema gerenciador de tubos de trocadores de calor que emprega realidade aumentada em dispositivos móveis
W. H. S. Santos (UFMA), A. C. Paiva (UFMA), A. C. Silva (UFMA), C. C. Buruaga (Consórcio de Alumínio do Maranhão).
Image-based 3D digitizing for plant architecture analysis and phenotyping
T. T. Santos (Embrapa Agriculture Informatics), A. Oliveira (Embrapa Agriculture Informatics).
Keyframe Control of Fluid Warping and Morphing using Adjoint Method
D. Bonilla (IMPA), L. Velho (IMPA), L. G. Nonato (ICMC-USP).
Sistema Dinâmico para Reconhecimento de Íris Utilizando Imagens de Vídeo
J. M. Souza (UFSCar), M. M. Fernandes (UFSCar).
Unified Framework for Counting Agriculture-Related Objects in Digital Images
J. G. A. Barbedo (Embrapa Agricultural Informatics).
Call for Workshop on Industry Applications
The Workshop on Industry Applications (WGARI) welcomes submissions describing solutions based on graphics, patterns, and images, for industry applied problems. Contributions are expected to feature an innovative use of original or known methods and/or tools from interactive graphics and visualization, machine vision, and image processing. They are also encouraged to be the result of applied and exploratory research.
All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the WGARI (available in electronic format) and scheduled for oral and demo presentations. The paper should be 6 to 8 pages long (in the IEEE format). All papers will be double blindly reviewed by two experts.
Title: Computer Vision in the Kinect for Windows
Abstract: Originally launched for the Xbox as an extension device for games and entertainment, the Kinect is the fastest-selling consumer electronics device in history.
This presentation will describe the problems and solutions of migrating to the Windows environment one of the most complex algorithms currently in large-scale use.
In a great example of direct application of academic results in image processing and machine learning, a minimum of 320x240 pixels with depth information are processed 30 times per second, allowing applications to be developed on top of the abstraction that one or two people are ``seen'' by the computer.
Short Bio - Alisson Sol has many years of experience in software development, having hired and managed several software teams that shipped many applications, with focus on image processing and ERP systems.
He has been the founder of 3 software companies, published several technical papers, and has a few patents.
He has a B.Sc. in Physics and a M.Sc. in Computer Science by the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, and a General Management Certificate by the University of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom. Currently, Alisson works as Engineering Lead for the Computer Vision team of the Kinect for Windows Business Unit at Microsoft, in Redmond, WA, USA.
Review Process
All papers will be double blindly reviewed by two experts, and all papers recommended for acceptance for both reviewers will be accepted and scheduled for oral and demo presentations. The review process starts briefly after the submission of the paper and other material (e.g., video). The paper is then distributed to the reviewers, who will evaluate the paper, share their comments with the authors, decide on the paper’s acceptance, and eventually require corrections.
The authors of an accepted paper then upload their final version of the paper and its Publication is validated by the oral and demo presentations in the event.
Author's instruction
The papers must be written in either English or Portuguese, formatted according to the IEEE standard.
They should have at least 6 and at most 8 pages, including bibliography and illustrations, and should not contain any information that could identify the author in the submission phase. The authors are strongly encouraged to also submit a video demoing the work described in their paper. Further instructions are available at the submission instruction’s page.
Authors should address and stress the following points while preparing their manuscripts:
- Degree of Innovation (How innovative is the work with respect to the use of leading-edge graphics technology and methods?),
- Relevance (What is the social, economic, and/or environmental impact of the work? Has it been measured? Can an evidence be provided?),
- Contributions (What are the tools resulting from the work? Are they in commercial or industrial use? Have they been patented?), and
- Presentation (Is the paper well-written, -organized, and -illustrated? Are the important references cited? Is the paper accompanied by a video demoing the solution described in the paper?).
Papers are not required to describe an original technique, method, or device, but originality is certainly welcome as well.
Oral and Demo Presentation
Each accepted paper will be presented orally, in English or Portuguese, during the event.
We strongly suggest authors(s) to present in English (slides and, if possible, orally) due to the anticipated number of international participants (of both WGARI and SIBGRAPI).
The oral presentations must fit in 15 minutes, with additional 5 minutes for questions.
The authors will also be given the opportunity to demo their solutions for the SIBGRAPI participants.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline:
June 24th, 2012 July 4th, 2012
- Notification of acceptance:
July 18th, 2012 July 24th, 2012 July 26th, 2012
- Camera ready paper due:
July 29th, 2012 August 1st, 2012 August 5th, 2012
- Silvio Jamil Ferzoli Guimarães (PUC-Minas) – sjamil at
- André Vital Saúde (UFLA) – saude at
Program Committee
Alisson Sol (Microsoft Co.)
Ana Paula Melchiori (UFLA)
André Costa (UNICAMP)
André Vital Saúde (UFLA)
Fortunato Menezes (UFLA)
Gabriel Coutinho (Mitah Technologies)
Gustavo de Sá (UNICAMP)
Hemerson Pistori (UCDB)
Hugues Talbot (ESIEE Paris)
João Manuel Tavares (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto)
Marcelo Walter (UFRGS)
Roberto Lotufo (UNICAMP)
Sanderson Gonzaga de Oliveira (UFLA)
Silvio Jamil Ferzoli Guimarães (PUC-Minas)
Thomas Lewiner (PUC-Rio)
Workshop on Interactive Visualization |
Accepted WIVis Papers
Interactive Visualization at UFRGS: Ongoing research at the Computer Graphics and Interaction Group
J. Comba (UFRGS), A. Maciel (UFRGS), C. Freitas (UFRGS), L. Nedel (UFRGS), M. M. Oliveira (UFRGS).
RGBD Camera Effects
D. Lucio (IMPA), L. Cruz (IMPA), L. Velho (IMPA).
Advanced Multidimensional Data Visualization via Point Placement and Dimension Reduction
R. Minghim (ICMC-USP).
Call for the 3rd Workshop on Interactive Visualization
Motivated by the increasing attention worldwide on visualization techniques, and to further promote the subject in Brazil, it took place during SIBGRAPI 2007 and SIBGRAPI 2010 the first two workshops on "Interactive Visualization" (WIVis). The goal of those previous editions was to bring attention to the subject of visualization within the Brazilian Computer Science community.
WIVis 2012 will happen in August 24, as a satellite event of SIBGRAPI 2012, with the explicit goal of sharing experiences and knowledge in visualization techniques, while fostering cooperation towards establishing visualization as one of the most prominent research fields in Brazil.
You are invited to submit an extended abstract describing the recent advances of your research group. Selected abstracts will be invited for oral presentation during WIVis, and will be published in the proceedings of the WIVis (available in the electronic format).
Title: Advanced Concepts and Techniques for Visualizing Large Data
Abstract: Advanced computing, imaging, and sensing technologies enable
scientists to study natural and physical phenomena at unprecedented
precision, resulting in an explosive growth of data. Furthermore, the
size of the collected information about the Internet and mobile device
users is expected to be even greater, a daunting challenge we must
address in order to make sense and maximize utilization of all the
available information for decision making and knowledge discovery. I
will present a few new approaches to large data visualization for
revealing hidden structures and gleaning insights from large, complex
data found in many areas of study.
Short Bio - Kwan-Liu Ma, an IEEE Fellow, is a professor of computer science and the chair of the Graduate Group in Computer Science (GGCS) at the University of California, Davis.
He leads the VIDi research group and directs the DOE SciDAC Institute for Ultrascale Visualization.
Professor Ma received his PhD degree in computer science from the University of Utah in 1993.
He then spent six years at the NASA Langley Research Center before joining UC Davis.
He was a recipient of the prestigious NSF PECASE award in 2000.
Professor Ma's research interests include visualization, computer graphics, interface design, and high-performance computing.
He has been actively serving the research community.
He was a papers chair of the IEEE Visualization Conference in 2008 and 2009, and an associate editor of IEEE TVCG during 2007-2011. He is a founding member of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium and IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization.
Professor Ma presently serves on the editorial boards of the IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, the Journal of Computational Science and Discoveries, and the Journal of Visualization.
Author's instruction
The extended abstracts must be written in English, formatted according to the IEEE standard. They should have at most 3 pages, including the description of the last achievements of the group, bibliography, and illustrations.
Submission must be sent to
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with the abstract, as a PDF file attached. Author’s names, contacts and affiliations must also be provided.
Important dates
- Submission deadline:
July 15th, 2012 August 1st, 2012
- Notification of acceptance:
August 1st, 2012 August 5th, 2012
- Camera ready paper due: August 7th, 2012
- Fernando Vieira Paulovich (ICMC/USP) -
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- Luis Gustavo Nonato (ICMC/USP) -
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- João Comba (UFRGS) -
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Special support