Seminário do discente Charles Garrocho, dia 18 de julho às 09:00, na sala de seminários do DECOM

Seminário do discente Charles Garrocho, dia 18 de julho às 09:00, na sala de seminários do DECOM.

Título: Counting Time in Drops: Views on the Role and Importance of Smartwatches in Dew Computing

Resumo: A large amount of data, called the big data, generated by the devices that are part of the Internet of Things, is expected in the coming years. This scenario creates challenges for sending, processing, and storing all data centrally in the cloud. Recent works propose a decentralization of the processing and storage of this data in local devices close to the user to solve such challenges. This paradigm, called dew computing, has been gaining attention from academia. Several works apply this proposal through devices such as desktops, laptops, and smartphones. However, after a systematic review, no studies were found that applied this proposal to smart wearable devices. Thus, this work shows the research, evaluation, analysis, and discussion of smartwatches for the dew computing environment. The results of this work showed that smartwatches could extend local device functionalities through performing services, cooperating with decentralizing cloud computing, and helping to reduce the negative impacts of the big data.

PPGCC - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação

Departamento de Computação  |  ICEB  |  Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Campus Universitário Morro do Cruzeiro  |  CEP 35400-000  |  Ouro Preto - MG, Brasil
Telefone: +55 31 3559-1692  |