Defesa de Doutorado do discente Vicente Amorim, dia 03/10/19, as 09:30 na Sala de Seminários.

Defesa de Doutorado do discente Vicente Amorim, dia 03/10/19, as 09:30 na Sala de Seminários do DECOM - ICEB III.

A proposal to improve wearables development time and performance: software and hardware approaches.


Wearable devices are a trending topic in both commercial and academic areas. Increasing demand for innovation has increased the number of research and products, addressing brand-new challenges, and creating profitable opportunities. Current wearable devices can be employed in solving problems in a wide variety of areas. Such coverage generates a relevant number of requirements and variables that influences solutions performance. It is common to build specific wearable versions to fit each targeting application niche, wasting time and resources. Currently, the related literature does not present ways to treat the hardware/software in a generic way enough to allow both parts reuse. This manuscript presents the proposal of two components focused on hardware/software, respectively, allowing the reuse of different parts of a wearable solution. A generic
platform for wearables development is outlined as a viable way to recycle an existing organization and architecture. In the software side, a development and customization tool for specific operating systems is demonstrated. This tool aims not only to reuse standard software components but also to provide improved performance simultaneously. A real prototype was designed and created as a manner to validate the concepts. In the end, performance analysis allows inferring that the proposals presented here contribute significantly to this area, easing the development and reuse of wearable solutions as a whole.

PPGCC - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação

Departamento de Computação  |  ICEB  |  Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Campus Universitário Morro do Cruzeiro  |  CEP 35400-000  |  Ouro Preto - MG, Brasil
Telefone: +55 31 3559-1692  |